Can you catch Shiny Joltik in Pokémon Go? As Joltik is featured in the current Buddy Up event, players are scrambling to look for Shiny versions of them.

Can You Catch Shiny Joltik in Pokémon Go?

Joltik does not have a Shiny Form available in Pokémon Go as of April 2020. In general, once a Shiny version of a Pokémon is released, be it for an event or otherwise, it will then become available in general encounters. The Buddy Up event brings increased spawns for several Pokémon, including Joltik, but will not be introducing a Shiny form for most of them.

It is time to buddy up, Trainers! Enjoy special #PokemonGOBuddy related bonuses, like decreased walking distance for Buddy Candy and for earning hearts. Learn more:

— Pokémon GO (@PokemonGoApp) April 16, 2020

Volbeat and Illumise take the centerstage for the Buddy Up event, and Shiny versions of those will be available. As for the other featured Pokémon, if there was not a Shiny version available for them before you won't have any luck getting during for the event.

For Joltik fans, we'll have to wait for something like Community Day before we can see Shiny Joltiks introduced to the game.
