The League of Legends Patch 11.18 release date may be confusing for some players who were expecting a new patch today. League of Legends usually patches on Wednesday, but due to Labor Day, Patch 11.18 is now scheduled to release Thursday, Sept. 9.

Maintenance for the patch should start at about 6:00 a.m. ET. Usually servers are down for about three hours while the game updates to the next patch. This is quickly following Riot's midyear break that also delayed Patch 11.17. While the patch schedule has been inconsistent recently, it looks like it should move back to its consistent schedule from here.

11.18 Full Preview is here!

Reminder - this is a pro focused patch in anticipation of Worlds.

Relative to the preview, I corrected some champions as "adjustments" instead of buffs.

We also added Camille to the nerf list given the Renekton/Jayce nerfs favoring her in the meta.

— Jeevun Sidhu (@JeevunSidhu) August 31, 2021

League of Legends Patch 11.18 Release Date

Patch 11.18 is particularly focused on balancing the meta for the upcoming League of Legends World Championship. This is represented across the patch preview through the large amount of micro-changes to a large field of champions. Subtle balancing in every lane is present in the upcoming patch.

Hopefully with the upcoming patch players can enjoy a well balanced game. There are a lot of small changes spread throughout the patch so read them closely before Thursday!
