How to defeat Odin in AC Valhalla can't be done by combat. There's a simple method to getting past the All-Father in this final encounter. There will be spoilers ahead. Here's the way to get past Odin in Assassin's Creed Valhalla.

Something is coming from down the river, a new ally, a new friend, a new opportunity.
Best start preparing now, it won’t be long until you’re back on the water yourself...

“Harken well in hall of kings
On ocean-steed my words gain wings
Odin’s mead, I forth will bring”

— Assassin's Creed (@assassinscreed) February 12, 2021

How to Defeat Odin AC Valhalla

As the All-Father, Odin can't be beaten with conventional means. When you battle him, he'll beat you handily. After this first defeat, the door to Sigurd will open. Now you have to get past him to the door.

Odin cannot be dealt damage in a way that matters. The game gives you a simple hint to get past him, and all you need to do is run away from him. When you try to, Odin will grab you and promptly kill you.

The trick is to unequip your weapon. Head into your inventory, go to your weapons, and simply un-equip whatever you have. you'll need a weapon in hand to start the encounter, but once you're in battle you need to remove it.

Don't try to hit Odin with your fists, either. Just go right past him. Don't even look back at him.

Sometimes, the game won't let you unequip a weapon due to some animations still playing out. If this is the case, stand still for a few seconds and try again.
