Pokémon GO's taking a snapshot of Landorus is part of the Season of Legends Eventthat was launched this month and will continue until March 16, 2021. With this event, there will be new Special Research events, as well as the chance of meeting more rare and shiny Pokémon.

While usually these tasks in Pokémon GO can be completed fairly easy, it is not so simple when you involve Legendary Pokémon.

Pokémon GO: How to Take a Snapshot of Landorus

The raids includingLandorus ended on March 6 unfortunately, so getting a snapshot of the Pokémon now will be trickier. Probably the best chance you have, is to trade with another trainer.

So, how do you actually take a snapshot of Landorus?

Well, first off you will have to go into the Pokémon section of your in-game menu, and then select the Pokémon you want. After that, click on the camera icon in the top, right-hand corner of the screen. Once done, you can click the camera at the bottom of your screen and you have your very own Landorus in a real world setting!
